“What should be.” A land of vain.

Life is difficult if a person complains “what should be”, but all sorrows melts away when they come towards “what is”.
We are doomed as long as we human beings complain about “how could this happen to me” “why is god doing this to me? He shouldn’t have done it this way.” “She shouldn’t have done that or he shouldn’t have done that to me” amongst all the “should be” we humans entertain, these are more common. There can be more like “I should have been born in another place and time” or “the government should be like this and that” or parents should be this, friend should do this, our mind knows no boundaries, the list goes on and on.

But then there is another way of looking and observing. The way of the aesthetics and the wise. The way of J.Krishnamurti and many other humans with superhuman thinking ability. The buddhas and the many saints have seen this. This method of acceptance. A method of understanding “what is” .

My wife left me, so if my head is in the loop, “I shouldnt have don’t that, that’s why she left”, or “she shouldn’t have done this to me” but rather, if I can see this way “due to misunderstandings my wife left me, we both love each other but circumstances led us apart” you will feel sad, but the burden of sorrow that one carries becomes lighter.

Another example to tackle thoughts like I should be earning more, I should get a raise, promotion, I should have been able to accomplish this much by now, look how anxious these “should be” thoughts lead us to. Instead if one can change the perspective and just accept I am earning enough though it is little, I haven’t conquered the world yet but I have become kinder to myself, I haven’t achieved a lot but I have my done things however I could in my own pace and in my own time.

This perspective, the one where acceptance and appreciation are the eyes through which we look at the world and at ourself, takes us to a peaceful, and relaxed place where sorrow ends and love begins. You become kinder to yourself, and the world. You relax, you’re at peace. You become a Buddha.

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